ac_list.c File Reference

List of actions, their command line names, and corresponding flags. More...

#include "global.h"
#include "actions.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "commit.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "export.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "cat.h"
#include "ignore.h"
#include "cp_mv.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "checkout.h"
#include "diff.h"
#include "url.h"
#include "add_unvers.h"
#include "props.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "revert.h"
#include "remote.h"
#include "resolve.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "doc.g-c"

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#define ACT(nam, _work, _act,...)
 This #define is used to save us from writing the member names, in order to get a nice tabular layout.
#define UNINIT   .local_uninit=st__progress_uninit
 Use the progress uninitializer.
#define DECODER   .needs_decoder=1
 Store update-pipe strings.
#define FILTER   .only_opt_filter=1
 Commands obeys filtering via -f.
#define STS_WRITE   .overwrite_sts_st=1
 Wants a current value in estat::st.
#define DIR_UPD   .do_update_dir=1
 waa__update_dir() may look for new entries
#define RO   .is_readonly=1


static const char * acl_status [] = { "status", NULL }
 Array of command name pointers.
static const char * acl_commit [] = { "commit", "checkin", "ci", NULL }
static const char * acl_update [] = { "update", NULL }
static const char * acl_export [] = { "export", NULL }
static const char * acl_build [] = { "_build-new-list", NULL }
static const char * acl_delay [] = { "delay", NULL }
static const char * acl_remote [] = { "remote-status", "rs", NULL }
static const char * acl_ignore [] = { "ignore", NULL }
static const char * acl_rign [] = { "rel-ignore", "ri", "r-i", NULL }
static const char * acl_groups [] = { "groups", "groupings", "grps", NULL }
static const char * acl_add [] = { "add", NULL }
static const char * acl_copyfr [] = { "copyfrom-detect", "copy-detect", NULL }
static const char * acl_cp [] = { "copy", "move", "cp", "mv", NULL }
static const char * acl_uncp [] = { "uncopy", NULL }
static const char * acl_unvers [] = { "unversion", NULL }
static const char * acl_log [] = { "log", NULL }
static const char * acl_cat [] = { "cat", NULL }
static const char * acl_resolv [] = { "resolved", NULL }
static const char * acl_checko [] = { "checkout", "co", NULL }
static const char * acl_sync_r [] = { "sync-repos", NULL }
static const char * acl_revert [] = { "revert", "undo", NULL }
static const char * acl_prop_l [] = { "prop-list", "pl", NULL }
static const char * acl_prop_g [] = { "prop-get", "pg", NULL }
static const char * acl_prop_s [] = { "prop-set", "ps", NULL }
static const char * acl_prop_d [] = { "prop-del", "pd", NULL }
static const char * acl_diff [] = { "diff", NULL }
static const char * acl_help [] = { "help", "?", NULL }
static const char * acl_info [] = { "info", NULL }
static const char * acl_urls [] = { "urls", "initialize", NULL }
struct actionlist_t action_list []
const int action_list_count = sizeof(action_list)/sizeof(action_list[0])
struct actionlist_taction = action_list

Detailed Description

List of actions, their command line names, and corresponding flags.

Definition in file ac_list.c.

Define Documentation

#define ACT ( nam,
...   ) 


{ .name=acl_##nam, .help_text=hlp_##nam, \
    .work=_work, .local_callback=_act, \
    __VA_ARGS__ }
This #define is used to save us from writing the member names, in order to get a nice tabular layout.

Simply writing the initializations in structure order is not good; a simple re-arrange could make problems.

Definition at line 78 of file ac_list.c.

#define DECODER   .needs_decoder=1

Store update-pipe strings.

Definition at line 86 of file ac_list.c.

#define DIR_UPD   .do_update_dir=1

waa__update_dir() may look for new entries

Definition at line 92 of file ac_list.c.

#define FILTER   .only_opt_filter=1

Commands obeys filtering via -f.

Definition at line 88 of file ac_list.c.

#define RO   .is_readonly=1

Definition at line 93 of file ac_list.c.

#define STS_WRITE   .overwrite_sts_st=1

Wants a current value in estat::st.

Definition at line 90 of file ac_list.c.

#define UNINIT   .local_uninit=st__progress_uninit

Use the progress uninitializer.

Definition at line 84 of file ac_list.c.

Variable Documentation

const char * acl_add[] = { "add", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 49 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_build[] = { "_build-new-list", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 43 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_cat[] = { "cat", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 55 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_checko[] = { "checkout", "co", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 57 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_commit[] = { "commit", "checkin", "ci", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 40 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_copyfr[] = { "copyfrom-detect", "copy-detect", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 50 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_cp[] = { "copy", "move", "cp", "mv", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 51 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_delay[] = { "delay", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 44 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_diff[] = { "diff", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 64 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_export[] = { "export", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 42 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_groups[] = { "groups", "groupings", "grps", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 48 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_help[] = { "help", "?", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 65 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_ignore[] = { "ignore", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 46 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_info[] = { "info", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 66 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_log[] = { "log", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 54 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_prop_d[] = { "prop-del", "pd", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 63 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_prop_g[] = { "prop-get", "pg", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 61 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_prop_l[] = { "prop-list", "pl", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 60 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_prop_s[] = { "prop-set", "ps", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 62 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_remote[] = { "remote-status", "rs", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 45 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_resolv[] = { "resolved", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 56 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_revert[] = { "revert", "undo", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 59 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_rign[] = { "rel-ignore", "ri", "r-i", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 47 of file ac_list.c.

const char* acl_status[] = { "status", NULL } [static]

Array of command name pointers.

The acl at the beginning means ACtion List.

Definition at line 39 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_sync_r[] = { "sync-repos", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 58 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_uncp[] = { "uncopy", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 52 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_unvers[] = { "unversion", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 53 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_update[] = { "update", NULL } [static]

Definition at line 41 of file ac_list.c.

const char * acl_urls[] = { "urls", "initialize", NULL } [static]

: remove initialize

Definition at line 68 of file ac_list.c.


Array of all known actions.

Definition at line 97 of file ac_list.c.

Referenced by ac__Usage(), act__find_action_by_name(), and main().

const int action_list_count = sizeof(action_list)/sizeof(action_list[0])


How many actions we know.

Definition at line 134 of file ac_list.c.

Referenced by ac__Usage(), and act__find_action_by_name().

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